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Press Release

Statement from ISEA President Mike Beranek on attacks to the LGBTQ+ school community

The Iowa State Education Association represents preK-12 educators, education support professionals, community college faculty, Area Education Agency professionals, retired educators and aspiring educators with contracts covering more than 50,000 employees. We promote quality public education by placing students at the center of everything we do while advocating for education professionals.
Published: March 20, 2023

“Iowa’s public-school employees are dedicated to protecting and supporting all the students in our care. The Iowa Legislature has repeatedly targeted the most vulnerable students with rhetoric and legislation designed to suppress, out, target, ban, and censor Iowa’s LGBTQ+ student communities. Despite these shameful attacks, the ISEA continues to stand with and fight for all our students. 

"To our students. We support you. We respect you. We care for you. We will fight to ensure you are safe, healthy, happy, and learning. We stand with all our students today, tomorrow, and always,” said ISEA President Mike Beranek.


Leading in our schools, communities, and state.

The Iowa State Education Association works to promote, advance, and protect public education, the education profession, and the rights and interests of our members. When you join the ISEA, you’re joining forces with the power and influence of 3.2 million members nationwide.