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Political Action

Elections matter. Support the candidates that support your work and the students you serve.
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2024 Election: Vote for strong public schools

State legislators are responsible for creating and shaping education policies that affect public schools within our state. This year’s November election is an opportunity to hold legislators accountable on issues such as private school vouchers, AEA cuts, and underfunding of our public schools and community colleges. Check out ISEA’s resources below to get involved in the 2024 Election taking place on Tuesday, November 5!

GET INVOLVED: Sign up here to get involved in the ISEA PAC committee’s candidate recommendation process and support recommended candidates for office this election! 

2024 Election Timeline

Oct. 16

General Election early voting begins

Vote early at your county auditor's office
Oct. 21

Absentee Ballot Request forms

Last day to turn in your request form to your county auditor
Nov. 4

Early voting

Last day of early voting at your county auditor's office
Nov. 5

General Election Day

Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Bring your photo ID.

School board elections

Local school boards and community college trustee boards have a tremendous influence on the quality of education in your community. They determine education policy, funding distribution, professional salaries and benefits, and working conditions. Critical decisions are made at the local level and it is incumbent on the men and women who work in public education to advocate for candidates who support strong public schools.

Voting in Iowa

Iowa is a Voter ID state, make sure to bring one of the following with you to vote: Iowa driver’s license; Iowa voter identification card; Iowa non-operator ID; U.S. military ID or veteran ID; U.S. passport; or tribal ID card/document.

Check your voter registration Am I Registered?

ISEA members help register community members to vote

Elections have consequences

That's why we must elect champions of Public Education.

Whether you're a voter, an organizer or a candidate, ISEA has resources for you to play your part!


Leading in our schools, communities, and state.

The Iowa State Education Association works to promote, advance, and protect public education, the education profession, and the rights and interests of our members. When you join the ISEA, you’re joining forces with the power and influence of 3.2 million members nationwide.