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Press Release

Statement by ISEA President Mike Beranek on Successful Recertification Elections

The ISEA represents preK-12 educators, education support professionals, community college faculty, Area Education Agency professionals, retired educators, and aspiring educators with contracts covering more than 50,000 employees. We promote quality public education by placing students at the center of everything we do while advocating for education professionals.
Published: October 24, 2023

“We are enormously proud of the thousands of education professionals who overwhelmingly voted in favor of their professions by successfully passing recertification in their locals.


ISEA members and their colleagues took time out of their busy schedules to vote in favor of recertification because representation matters. The votes today – and since the law passed in 2017 should remind everyone that public education employees want their collective voice represented by their union. 


Almost 12,000 public education employees in 51 local associations were impacted by this vote.  After two weeks of recertification, 100 percent of ISEA locals successfully voted to retain the ability to negotiate a Master Contract collectively.


Iowa’s anti-union law passed by the Republicans in the statehouse and signed by the governor in 2017 requires a 50 percent plus one majority of all employees covered by the bargaining unit to win recertification. Anyone who fails to participate in the election is automatically counted as a “no” vote.  Despite this demanding standard, 51 of 51 ISEA locals passed their recertification elections.


This is the sixth year of recertification elections and the sixth year of sweeping victories.


We are proud of our members and other strong public employees. It is time to return to their daily great work for Iowa’s students: to tirelessly serve our schools and communities.


Leading in our schools, communities, and state.

The Iowa State Education Association works to promote, advance, and protect public education, the education profession, and the rights and interests of our members. When you join the ISEA, you’re joining forces with the power and influence of 3.2 million members nationwide.