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Our Mission & Core Values

We represent classroom teachers and other licensed professional staff, school support staff workers, retired teachers, area education agency employees, community college faculty, and future teachers. We are an integral part of the 3 million-member National Education Association. We work together to make sure that Iowa’s 500,000 public school students get nothing short of the best education possible.

Our Mission

To promote quality public education by placing our students at the center of everything we do while advocating for education professionals.


Our Core Values

We value quality public education and are committed to the success of every student.

We value elevating the education profession because we are most effective in an environment that respects our rights and responsibilities and provides fair compensation for all.

We value membership in the Association because it demonstrates collective care for the needs of students, educators and the community.

We value strong public interaction because effective schools require all of us to be held accountable including students, educators, parents, communities and public leaders.

We value highly qualified and dedicated educators who engage in continuous improvement.

We value a proactive organization with leaders who articulate vision, anticipate issues, seek full participation of members and take action.


Leading in our schools, communities, and state.

The Iowa State Education Association works to promote, advance, and protect public education, the education profession, and the rights and interests of our members. When you join the ISEA, you’re joining forces with the power and influence of 3.2 million members nationwide.